Castle Property LLC  
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PHOTO Property Address On hold until




Pets Permitted

 Lease Start
2024  Lease End




Nothing available at this time.

Financial requirements to rent from Castle Property LLC.

Units are rented to the first financially qualified group ready to pay their security deposit.  Castle Property can work with any level of credit, however the better the credit the less we need in prepaid deposit or rent.

  1. All Adults (18 years old or older) must have a valid government issued ID with their name, date of birth and photo.  Driver's license, passport or other government IDs accepted.  Social Security number is not required.
  2. Security deposit must be paid before lease signing.

    GOOD CREDIT:  Security deposit equals 2.0 X monthly rent.
            Minimal late payments and good repayment history with 5 years established credit history.
            Minimum one year at current job location.
            No judgments, collections or evictions.
            No employment gaps larger than 60 days.
            Verified take home income of 3X monthly rent or gross of 4X monthly rent.
            Verification with pay stubs showing year to date earnings.

    OK-FAIR CREDIT - OR NO CREDIT:    Security deposit equals 2.0 X monthly rent plus prepaid last month's rent.
            Some late payments or fair repayment history with 1 year established credit history.
            No judgments or evictions.
            Take home income of 3X monthly rent or gross of 4X monthly rent.

    POOR CREDIT:    Security deposit equals 2.0 X monthly rent, plus prepaid last month's rent and Co-Signer.
            Several late payments or poor repayment history.

We manage 35 apartment style condos  (3 or 4 bedroom ) in University Place on South Avenue.   Although originally built and named for JMU students, this complex has very few student residents today.  These condos at available to families, individuals and groups.  

Because the needs of families are different than students, we offer more flexibility with lease terms and start dates.  Financial qualification is based on the income of the group.  We require a minimum take-home of 3 times the monthly rent for the family or group. We also accept needs based assistance and can work with almost every level of credit.  We rent these apartments or Town houses by the unit not by the bedroom.  These communities are an affordable housing option with close proximity to JMU, downtown,  local employers and public transportation.

Consider joining our Priority Waiting list.  Simply complete our free waiting list application and indicate your preferred move-in date, property size and any location preferences.  We contact our priority waiting list first as soon as a property matching your criteria becomes available.  Our waiting list has access to our units before they are even advertised. 


 What to bring:  Photo ID (driver's license, passport or other government ID) and a copy of 

your most recent pay stub.