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To attend a showing listed below: (scheduled showings are open to anyone)

1:  Please arrive at our office at least 10 minutes before the scheduled property showing time.  OFFICE DIRECTIONS
2:  Groups sign in at the office and are shown the property in the order they signed in.
3:  We will go over to the property together and each group that signed in will have an opportunity to see the inside of the property.

To schedule a property showing: 

1:  Pick a time and date from the open times listed below when as many group members as possible can attend.  (Choose two consecutive blocks of time for houses larger than 5 bedrooms)

2:  Pick a time that will allow us to give at least 24 hours notice to our Tenants.
3:  Send an e-mail or call with the following information:  Desired appointment time(s), Names, Phone numbers and E-mails of group members and any questions about the property. 
4:  We will confirm by e-mail any appointments to all furnished e-mail address.
5:  If we are unable to set the desired time, we will make suggestions of open times.  





Property to be shown (All showings start at our office)

Everyone is welcome to attend any listed property showing.  All showing start at our office

If the property you want to see is not listed, or the time is not convenient for your group, 
please e-mail or office and make an appointment for any Available property at an Available time slot.

Return to the  Available Property Listings


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